The objectives of the EG MA are to:
- Review and study the existing domains, new domains, and the migration from the existing to new domains for multimedia capabilities for services and applications over existing and future networks, including NGN, mobile network, CATV and beyond. This encompasses architectures, terminals, protocols, signal processing, media coding and systems.
- The services and applications cover content delivery platform (including Web related services, digital signage, IP based TV service, metadata), natural language processing, AI-enabled multimedia, immersive live experience systems, intelligent visual systems, digital culture-related systems, multimedia framework for digital health applications, digital ledger technologies, vehicular multimedia communications systems, multimedia metaverse services and other multimedia applications using the above networks.
- Study the regional concerns, requirements and cooperation for the above services and applications development and promotion in order to bridge the ICT gap among APT region and to realize sustainable ICT ecosystem for innovation.
- Contribute to development of regional and global standards that reflect Asia-Pacific regional requirements.
Outputs from the EG MA include:
- Development of technical report, guideline, and recommendation of ASTAP standards.
- Collaboration with international, regional, and de facto standardization organizations such as ITU, W3C, IETF, ISO/IEC JTC1, OASIS, CableLabs, and INATBA by developing liaison statements and contributions.
- Collaboration with other Expert Groups and Working Groups in ASTAP to achieve the objectives of both groups by organizing joint meeting.
Dr. Hideki Yamamoto
Senior Manager
OKI Electric Industry Co. Ltd, Japan
Dr. Dong il Seo
Principle Researcher
Electronic & Telecommunications Research Institute, Republic of Korea