ICT Development (ICT)


The development of telecommunications and ICT infrastructure is a major challenge for many countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Whilst many APT member countries are making huge efforts to bring telecommunications and ICT facilities to their people at an affordable price, there are many key issues in the areas of policy, technology, applications, resource mobilization, etc., that needed to be addressed for effective deployment.


As a region, there is significant strength and expertise of ICT that could be tapped and coordinated to the best interest of the region. APT has been active in these areas, hence, but there needs to be ICT development programmes that would facilitate a comprehensive, focused and result oriented dialogue to address the development needs for the region, including hands-on programmes which provide opportunities for exchange of ICT knowledge, and real implementation in the form of pilot projects and ICT application to tackle issues of digital economy to achieve sustainable development goals, and share outcomes to our Members.
For this purpose, following programmes are organized for our Members:


A. Meetings
The APT has been conducting Meetings on various topics in the field of ICT for the sake of information sharing and coordination of views in the Asia-Pacific region. Topics are selected based on the requests from the APT Members and the request of the host countries. APT Meetings are called “Conference”, “Forum”, “Meeting”, “Workshop”, “Seminar” or “Symposium”, reflecting the purposes of the meetings. One of the most important meeting of APT is theAsia-Pacific ICT Ministerial Meeting on “Co-creating a Connected Digital Future in the Asia-Pacific”  which has adopted the "Singapore Statement". It provided the direction for APT to Co-create a Connected Digital Future in the Asia-Pacific region. The APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum is expected to be held annually to review the activities of the APT in ICT fields and to discuss some hot issues on the development among APT Members.

B. International Collaborative Research (Category-I Project)

The International Collaborative Research (Category-I Project) is formerly known as “HRD Programme for Exchange of ICT Researchers/Engineers”. The objective of the programme is to promote the exchange of advanced knowledge and technical know-how among ICT researchers/engineers in the Asia-Pacific region through international collaborative research projects on ICT and ICT utilization. This supports a face-to-face interaction and the exchange of new ideas and technical know-how among researchers and engineers in the APT member countries.

The criteria have been updated regularly to reflect the rapid technological changes and other circumstances since initiation of the program in 2001. The programme now is being implemented recognizing the importance of human resource development as expressed in the Asia-Pacific ICT Ministerial Meeting on “Co-creating a Connected Digital Future in the Asia-Pacific”.


Click here for details information


C. ICT Pilot Projects for Rural Areas (Category-II Project)

Recognizing the importance of establishing ICT infrastructure in rural areas as expressed in the “Bangkok Agenda” adopted by the APT Ministerial Conference in 2004, the “ICT Development Programme for Supporting ICT pilot Projects in Rural Areas” was initiated in 2005 with the objective of narrowing the digital divide in the Asia-Pacific region by promoting and establishing pilot projects.

Various projects have been established to ensure the access to ICT in rural areas of APT Members and to facilitate development of ICT infrastructures/services in the region. The example of subject fields of the pilot projects are construction of multi-purpose telecenters in rural areas, introduction of new wireless technologies systems in rural areas, and other topics for contributing to ICT development in rural areas employing emerging technologies.

From the year 2016, this programme will be referred as “ICT Pilot Projects for Rural Areas (Category-II Project)”.

D. Project to facilitate ICT Application in the Asia-Pacific

ICT application are key elements for the socio-economic development of the Asia-Pacific region and it encourages APT Members to promote ICT applications. In this regards, APT has its mission in promoting ICT applications to support solving economic ans social issues such as increasing efficiency, improving productivity and bridging digital divide in each Member country.

To implement this mission, "Project to Facilitate ICT Application in the Asia-Pacific" was initiated in 2015.

Click here for details information 

APT Regional Workshop on Smart City Platform, 30 November - 2 December 2022, Putrajaya, Malaysia


E. “Collaborative Response Measures to Prevent Unsolicited Commercial Messages (Spam) in Asia-Pacific Region”

The Strategic Plan of the APT for 2021-2023 adopted five strategic pillars and “Trust and Safety” is one of them. The strategic direction of this pillar is “to develop and maintain secure, trusted and resilient telecommunication/ICT networks and services”. Accordingly, the 45th Session of the Management Committee of the APT (MC-45) in 2021 approved to conduct a research on “Collaborative Response Measures to Prevent Unsolicited Commercial Messages (Spam) in Asia Pacific Region” (MC45/OUT-09).

KISA (Korea Internet & Security Agency), the collaborative research implementing Agency is a specialized agency in the field of cybersecurity and privacy with the relevant experts and extensive technical skills. Detail activities are as follows:
1) Conduct a survey on unsolicited commercial messages (spam) to understand the current situation in each APT member country including issues they are facing, relevant legislations/policies, and international cooperation on this matter, etc.
2) Produce a research report based on the survey result and share the result and analysis of the survey with APT members.


F. Project on Promoting the Use of ICT for Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals

Currently, the information and communications technologies (ICTs) are undergoing a major transformation driven by innovation and intelligent applications around the world. A new generation of ICTs, such as 5G, AI, big data, are more widely integrated with the real economy. The wide use of ICTs is of vital significance to addressing major socio-economic issues, such as population growth, resource shortage, aging, environmental pollution and prevention of natural disasters. With the rapid development of digital economy, the traditional sectors such as manufacturing healthcare, agriculture and transportation will become more energy-efficient, intelligent and efficient.

The Project on Promoting the Use of ICT for Sustainable Development Goals was initiated in 2020.

Click here for details information

G. Publishing Programme for ICT Policy and Development

This programme, funded by the Extra Budgetary Contribution from Japan, supports publishing activities about ICT Policy and Development at the APT Secretariat for the APT Member countries especially about issues that cannot be solved by a single country, namely disaster management, global warming, energy, medical care, cyber-security and so forth.

In order to help the Member countries tackle regional challenges in the ICT field, and also increase awareness of the Members on the APT activities for ICT Policy and Development in the region, the outcome may be adopted as APT’s Reports, Guidelines, etc. with necessary amendments in the Work Programmes, and will be distributed to Members widely.

(Implemented Projects for 2015) 

·  Handbook for ICT Projects for Rural Areas - The Telecommunication Technology Committee(TTC),Japan

·  A Survey on collection, Analysis and Dissemination of Information on ICT Policy and Solutions related to disaster, climate change and social issues between nations and regions.   -          Japan Telecommunications Engineering and Consulting Service (JTEC), Japan

 (Implemented Projects for 2016) 

·  Research Reoprt on "Smart City" in Asia Pacific Region   -          The Telecommunication Technology Committee(TTC),Japan

 (Implemented Projects for 2021) 
   -          KDDI Foundation, Japan

H.   APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF) 

APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF) is part of APT’s continuous effort of its Asia-Pacific Initiatives for the Information Society (AIIS) Programme which focused on assisting members in bridging of the digital divide. This has become important amid the rapid changes of technology, fast changing telecommunications scenarios and tremendous growth of ICT sector. The ADF is a platform that provides an opportunity to identify the specific issues that hinder the development of the telecommunication networks in rural areas and to discuss the appropriate use of new technologies available for rural telecom development.

In June 2004, the first ADF was held in Bangkok, Thailand. The event became a platform in finalizing the draft text of Bangkok Agenda that was submitted to the Ministerial Conference on Broadband and ICT Development that was held in July 2004.  The ADF is also linked to the achievement in the International Collaborative Research and the ICT Pilot Projects for Rural Areas funded by the Extra-Budgetary Contribution from Japan. The results of both programmes were also reported in the ADF allotted session for the sharing the fruitful results and research findings under the close co-operation of the local collaborators and Japanese Experts in the APT Member states from the various fields of telecommunication and ICT development. The ADF was renamed from Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum to APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum in 2016 at the 39th Session of the Management Committee of APT (MC-39).

Working Methods
Working Methods of ADF (Approved by MC-46)


Office Bearers


Ms. Lefaoali'i Unutoa Auelua Fonoti, CEO, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Samoa


Mr. Ishida Eiji, Director, International Digital Infrastructure Promotion Division, Global Strategy Bureau, MIC, Japan

Meetings/ Seminars/ Workshops

Past and Present ADF Events

The 21st APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-21)
August 6 - 8, 2024 (Jakarta, Indonesia)

The 20th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-20)
October 9-10, 2023 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

The 19th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-19)
November 22 - 24, 2022 (Virtual/Online)

The 18th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-18)
(August 24-26, 2021, Virtual Meeting)

The 17th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-17)
(August 27-28,2020, Virtual Meeting)

The 16th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-16)
(September 10-12, 2019, Cambodia)

The 15th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-15)
(June 11-13, 2018, Sri Lanka)

The 14th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-14)
(September 5-6, 2017, Philippines)

The 13th APT Telecommunication/ICT Development Forum (ADF-13)
(August 3-5, 2016, Singapore)

The 12th Asia Pacifc Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF-12)
(September 22-24, 2015, Macao, China)

The 11th Asia Pacifc Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF-11)
(September 08-09, 2014, Brunei Darussalam)

The 10th Asia Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF-10)
(August 20-22, 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh)

The 9th Asia Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF-9)
(August 22 -24, 2012, Bangkok, Thailand)

The 8th Asia Pacific Telecommunications and ICT Development Forum (ADF-8)
(June 28 - 30, 2011,  Macao, China)  

Asia-Pacific Telecommunications and ICT Development Forum  (ADF)
(May 18 - 20, 2010, Japan)

Asia-Pacific Telecommunication and ICT Development Forum (ADF)/ Preparatory Meeting for the Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting
(Nov. 10 - 11, 2009, Indonesia)

Asia Pacific Telecommunications and ICT Development Forum (ADF)
(Nov. 11 - 13, 2008, Thailand)

Asia-Pacific Telecommunications and ICT Development Forum
(Sep. 10 - 12, 2007, Japan)

Related Links

Internal Links:
Since the effects of ICT prevails not only to telecommunication fields but also to a variety of other fields, it is vital for APT to cooperate with other regional and international organizations to accomplish its goals: to foster the development of Telecommunications Services and Information Infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific region.

Brunei Darussalam Statement of the Asia-Pacific ICT Ministers on Building Smart Digital Economy through ICT
Bali Statement of the Asia-Pacific Ministers on Strengthening Regional Collaboration towards a Broadband Economy in the Asia-Pacific
Bali Statement of the Asia-Pacific Ministers on Strengthening Regional Collaboration towards a Broadband Economy in the Asia Pacific (Plan of Action)
Preparatory Meeting for the Asia Pacific Ministerial Meeting (10 - 11 November 2009, Bali, Indonesia)
Bangkok Agenda
Tokyo Declaration / Action Plan
Regional Interagency Working Group on ICT (IWG)

External Links:
The ITU World Summit on the Information Society
The World Bank infoDev Program
World Economic Forum


APT Secretariat
Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
12/49 Soi 5, Chaeng Watthana Road,
Bangkok 10210, Thailand
Tel. +662 573 0044
Fax +662 573 7479
E-Mail : [email protected]

Last updated on 26/08/2024
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