Terms of Reference of Regional Interagency Working Group on ICT

 Terms of Reference of the Regional Interagency Working Group  on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) 

The United Nations Millennium Declaration adopted at the Millennium Summit held in September 2000 resolved to ensure that the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communication technologies, in conformity with recommendations contained in the ECOSOC 2000 Ministerial Declaration, are available to all. Recognizing the importance of strengthening cooperation and coordination at the regional level with a view to promoting mutually complementary and coherent strategies and programmes which would ensure synergy of efforts in achieving the goal set up in the Millennium Declaration the Regional Interagency Working Group on Information and Communication Technology has been established with the following terms of reference:
(1)        Exchange views on a regular basis on developments and trends in ICT creating challenges and opportunities for countries of the region as well as on policies and programmes of the member agencies/organizations in this area.
(2)        Identify areas which require enhanced complementarity and synergy as well as those where duplication among existing ICT related activities of member agencies should be avoided.
(3)        Initiate and pursue, to the extent possible, cooperation in the implementation of activities and replicating and scaling up of best practices for the benefit of the developing countries of the region, inter alia, including undertaking joint interagency projects, missions, studies and other activities in ICT.
(4)        Liase with relevant global, regional and subregional bodies, including the United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC), other relevant United Nations and multilateral organizations working in the field of ICT in the region, regional cooperation groupings (e.g., ASEAN, SAARC, ECO and the South Pacific Forum).
(1)        All concerned agencies and organizations working to promote ICT at regional and subregional levels are invited to become members of the Regional Interagency Working Group on ICT on a voluntary basis. The Working Group would become operational with participation of a limited member of agencies, while keeping open the possibilities for others to join later.
(2)        The Working Group will elect its chairperson from among the members for a one-year term, who will be eligible for re-election.
(3)        Non-governmental organizations, including business associations, investment promotion organizations, ICT research institutions may be invited to participate as observers to the Working Group as required.
(4)        Meetings of the Working Group will be held as often as necessary but not less than twice a year.
(5)        ESCAP in cooperation with the APT will provide the secretariat support for smooth functioning of the Working Group.
Last updated on 26/08/2024
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